VIP Luxury Retreat with Tiffany Peterson

November 15 – 17, 2017 Park City, Utah

Only 25 spots available, reserve yours now!

This retreat will have something for everyone in business – 
from starting out solopreneurs to seasoned seven-figure pros.


If you come open, you will leave full of
clarity, connection, and direction
for your own next step in life and business.

Imagineyou and me, a cup of tea, a cozy fire, and…
a FLIP CHART nestled in the gorgeous mountains of Park City, Utah.

Now, if you’ve got the entrepreneurial spirit,
that likely excites your thinking like it does mine!!

Hi! I’m Tiffany Peterson, Sales and Success Strategist, helping entrepreneurs develop solid self confidence and sales strategies to create a sustainable income living a life and a business that they love.

I’ve been speaking and coaching around the globe nearly the last decade helping thousands and thousands of people and teams grow their sales and results, while developing a meaningful, fulfilled personal life in the process.

One of my very favorite things to do on this entire planet is to work with an intimate group of people to go deeper with content and principles, to break through limiting beliefs, increase self confidence, and map out realistic sales and marketing strategies to share their message, product, or service in a bigger way. 

As I have been in reflection this past year of my own business journey, I have felt impressed to create an exclusive retreat experience called the Soul Spark Retreat – where myself and a handful of people (limited to 25 to maintain intimacy) gather for three days and discuss, strategize, and map out the plans to achieve what you really, truly want for your life and business – all while being pampered and nourished in a supportive, gorgeous environment!

Invest in you.

Grow your business.

Mastermind with like-minded people.

Come be pampered in gorgeous Park City, Utah,
in an intimate retreat setting, while we nourish you
and strategize the growth of your business for 2018.

This Intensive 3-day retreat will include…

  • Clarity on your life purpose, direction, vision, and goals.
  • Nourish your self care and cultivate a kinder, healthier self relationship.
  • Identify your limiting beliefs and what’s keeping you stuck _ and how to shift them.
  • Learn up-to-date marketing, social media, and sales strategies to grow your business to the next level.
  • Mastermind with like-minded people to expand your knowledge and relationships.
  • Event materials and surprise gifts!

Plus, this retreat is all-inclusive with healthy meals and accommodations provided onsite! 

bonus: receive a course credit to participate in my 8-week group coaching program,
Success academy! (a $997.00 value!)

Tiffany Peterson is an outstanding coach. I hired her to help me move forward in sales and after just ONE month I made significant results that ended up generating thousands of dollars in income. The money has been valuable, but really it’s the skills that I’m most proud of that I learned and developed that I now apply to every aspect of my life to make my dreams a reality.
I’ve increased momentum so I’ll definitely be staying close to Tiffany for accountability!!

Kelly King Anderson

Presidential Diamond

When we hired Tiffany Peterson as our personal business coach, she helped us rocket our results and income in our direct sales business! She helped us advance to the top rank in our company, which resulted in changing more lives, including our own. Our income significantly increased and our sales became easier with her expert sales strategies. If you’re serious about lasting change and increased income, Tiffany Peterson can help support you there. Natalie & Andy Goddard

Double Diamonds

Retreat value: $12,500.00+++

Regular Price: $3,995.00

Early Bird

Yes! sign me up for this exclusive event!

Only 25 spots available, reserve yours now!

There is a brief application to fill out before your registration is complete. We want to ensure that this event is a perfect fit for you and your business, so please understand that you are not officially accepted until you have received verification from us. If we feel that this is not the best investment of your money and time, we will provide an explanation and a full refund.

This Retreat is Ideal for you if…

  • You are seeking a safe, nourishing space to renew your own self care.

  • You are ready to identify and breakthrough what’s been holding you back.

  • You are wanting clarity and action steps for your next level of success.

  • You are open go learning fresh and current social media and marketing strategies.

  • You are ready to grow your sales and business for 2018.

This retreat will have something for everyone in business –
from starting out solopreneurs to seasoned seven-figure pros.


If you come open, you will leave full of
clarity, connection, and direction
for your own next step in life and business.

Should Attend?

  • Life Coaches, Speakers, and Business Strategists.
  • Small, Medium, Large Size Business Owners
  • Network Marketing Leaders
  • Realtors, Brokers, and Agents
  • Self-Employed Rockstars

Coaching with Tiffany Peterson is the best personal & professional decision I’ve made to date! My return on investment has been beyond AWESOME! I achieved a dramatic increase in my sales, which continue to trend
upward every month alongside my growth as a leader and business owner. Tiffany has the ability to turn the light on
inside of us and face any mountain we wish to climb!

Arin Fugate

Blue Diamond

Within 30 days of beginning coaching with Tiffany Peterson I doubled my sales volume and I achieved massive success! Prior to her coaching, I had been stuck for 15 months at the same position and not able to move forward. Tiffany’s training is a must if you’re serious about growing your sales and your results! Jennifer Oldham

Blue Diamond

Working with Tiffany Peterson was a game changer for me and my business. I was stuck, not progressing, and after working with Tiffany momentum really hit! My income after working with her, in a years time grew 325% year over year! Quadrupling my income! She has truly been a lighthouse for me in my life making dramatic positive changes on all levels. When people ask for my secrets to success, Tiffany Peterson is the answer. Katee Payne


Coaching with Tiffany Peterson was such a wise investment into myself and my business. I learned to love myself more boldly by becoming more aware of who I was created to be. I acquired invaluable tools to help serve others more authentically and effectively. After coaching with Tiffany, I DOUBLED my income, achieved Diamond rank, and revolutionized my relationships with my leaders. Everyone on my team benefited from my experience, even my relationships with my friends and family! If you do one thing today for your business and your own growth, let it be coaching with Tiffany. Cassidy Holdsworth


I love Tiffany Peterson’s unique talent for transforming people from the inside out. She helped me on a personal, spiritual, and business level take my results to the next level. Tiffany has taught me to believe in myself that I can be, do, or have anything I want. She will help you do the same! Hayley Bammesberger


Retreat value: $12,500.00+++

Regular Price: $3,995.00

Early Bird

Yes! sign me up for this exclusive event!

Only 25 spots available, reserve yours now!

There is a brief application to fill out before your registration is complete. We want to ensure that this event is a perfect fit for you and your business, so please understand that you are not officially accepted until you have received verification from us. If we feel that this is not the best investment of your money and time, we will provide an explanation and a full refund.

In the time that I’ve I’ve worked with Tiffany Peterson, my life has expanded to the degree I could not have imagined. With her support, I have found the courage to step into my authentic self unapologetically. My income has quadrupled in that time, allowing me to contribute on a larger scale to my team, clients, and causes I’m passionate about. Through my work with Tiffany I know on a deep level that I am worthy and deserving of an abundant life. I will be forever grateful. Julie Margo


Join Me!

You’ll LOVE what we create together!